CA Inter Company Law Case Study Based MCQs

Case Study #1

A private company by the name of Neha Pvt. Limited was incorporated in the year 2002. The registered office of the company Neha Pvt. Limited was situated in city K of state Y.

During the financial year beginning on 01/04/2018 and ending on 31/03/2019 the turnover of the company Neha Pvt. Limited was ₹ 1010 crore. The net profit of the company Neha Pvt. Limited for the financial year 2018-19 was ₹ 4 crore.

The Board of Directors of Neha Pvt. Limited consisted of only two directors namely Mr. M and Mr. N. Mr. M and Mr. N were the only directors of company Neha Pvt. Limited since its incorporation in the year 2002.

Mr. M one of the two directors of Neha Pvt. Limited was of the opinion that no Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board was required to be formed as for the financial year 2019 – 20 due to the reason that net profit of the company Neha Pvt. Limited for financial year 2018-19 was ₹ 4 crore which was less than ₹ 5 crore.

Mr. N the other director of Neha Pvt. Limited was not having the same opinion as Mr. M. He was of the opinion that Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board must be formed for the company Neha Pvt. Limited.

The net profit of the company Neha Pvt. Limited for the financial year 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 were ₹ 1 crore, ₹ 2 crore and ₹ 3 crore respectively.

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Case Study #2

GHWX Private Limited was incorporated in the year 2009. The registered office of the company GHWX Private Limited was situated in city T of state V. The Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited comprised of five directors namely Mr. K, Mr. N, Mr. R, Mr. U and Mr. W.

During the financial year beginning on 01/04/2018 and ending on 31/03/2019 the second meeting of Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited was held on 7 September, 2018.
Out of 5 directors, Mr. K, Mr. N, Mr. R and Mr. W were present for the said meeting. During the meeting of Board of Directors a resolution on one of the important matters was passed. While three directors namely Mr. K, Mr. N and Mr. R agreed with the resolution and voted in favour of resolution, however, Mr. W did not agree with the resolution and voted against the resolution.

The minutes of the second meeting of Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited held on 7 September, 2018 were prepared and they were entered in Minutes Book of meeting of Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited. One of the director Mr. K was of the opinion that minutes of second meeting of Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited must be prepared and entered in Minute Book of meeting of Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited by end of October, 2018. The remaining four directors namely Mr. N, Mr. R, Mr. U and Mr. W did not agree with the opinion of Mr. K because they thought that it was not within the time limit as prescribed by the law.

One of the directors, Mr. N. opined that minute books of meetings of Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited for the years starting with 2009 to 2015 should be shredded to ruins as these papers were taking a lot of space. He further added that since the Companies Act, 2013 is silent as to maintaining the minute book of meetings of Board of Directors, it is not necessary to maintain such minute books.

The Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited did not decide any place where minute book of meetings of Board of Directors of GHWX Private Limited will be kept.

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